Promotional & Advertising Opportunities

Promotional & Advertising Opportunities

  • Opportunity to organise  an Official Non-CME Industry Session, up to xx minutes (Program subject to the approval by the xxx Committee).
  • Includes live Q&A and IT support.
  • Permission to use the phrase “Official Symposium of the xxx Congress”.
  • ​Sponsored Symposia Programs will be included in a designated industry section of the Programme.
  • Time Slots: allocated on a first come, first served basis – see time slots here.
  • Industry sessions will be clearly indicated in the meeting timetable/Programme as: “Industry Session” not included in the main event CME/CPD credit offering”​.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

NOTE: The supporting company in addition to the support fee must cover the registration fee of the speakers. This also applies in the case where the speakers have already been invited by the Congress. 

  • Opportunity to organise  an Official Non-CME Industry Session, up to xx minutes (Program subject to the approval by the xxx Committee).
  • Includes live Q&A and IT support.
  • Permission to use the phrase “Official Symposium of the xxx Congress”.
  • ​Sponsored Symposia Programs will be included in a designated industry section of the Programme.
  • Time Slots: allocated on a first come, first served basis – see time slots here.
  • Industry sessions will be clearly indicated in the meeting timetable/Programme as: “Industry Session” not included in the main event CME/CPD credit offering”​.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

NOTE: The supporting company in addition to the support fee must cover the registration fee of the speakers. This also applies in the case where the speakers have already been invited by the Congress. 

  • Company workshop session up to xx minutes, Program subject to the approval of the Congress Scientific Committee.
  • Includes live Q&A and IT support.
  • Permission to use the phrase: “Official workshop of the xx Congress”.
  • Workshop Programs will be included in a designated industry section of the Programme.
  • Supporters will be acknowledged in a designated section of the Program.
  • Time Slots: allocated on a “first come, first served” basis.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

NOTE: The supporting company in addition to the support fee must cover the registration fees of all speakers. This also applies in the case where the speakers have already been invited by the Congress.

  • Opportunity to organise an Official Non-CME Meet the Expert Session, up to xx minutes (Program subject to the approval by the xxx Committee).
  • Includes live Q&A and IT support.
  • Permission to use the phrase “Official Meet the Expert Session of the xxx Congress”.
  • Meet the experts session’s program will be included in a designated industry section of the Programme.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

NOTE: The supporting company in addition to the support fee must cover the registration fees for all speakers. This also applies in the case where the speakers have already been invited by the Congress. 

Meet with attendees to share the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to present their pipeline.
  • Session Chair to be decided by the meeting Organizing Committee.
  • Content to be presented to the Organizing Committee.
  • Pipeline session’s program will be included in a designated industry section of the Programme.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

NOTE: The supporting company in addition to the support fee must cover the registration fees for all speakers. This also applies in the case where the speakers have already been invited by the Congress. 

Meet with attendees and key decision makers to share your new research outcomes, discuss your clinical protocols, and conduct product demonstrations of your new products and services. Product Theatre sessions are 30 minutes in length and will be held in a designated area in the virtual exhibition hall.

Product Theaters provide a high value, live educational opportunity for hosts to reach engaged healthcare professionals. These sessions deliver a platform to gather and discuss issues on patient education, specific products and therapeutic areas

Located in the virtual Exhibition hall, Product Theatre provides an opportunity to:

  • Highlight and demonstrate new and existing products.
  • Provide up-to-date research findings.
  • Give product details in-depth.
  • Demonstrate products.
  • Handout promotional materials.
  • Includes live Q&A and IT support.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

Opportunity to organise a Movie Screening Session (Video/ content subject to the approval by the Scientific Committee).

  • Includes IT support.
  • Movie Screening Session will be included in a designated industry session of the Programme.
  • Video can be available on the Meeting App to be viewed on demand.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.
  • Opportunity to replay your industry session in the interactive pre-recorded* format during the 3 months after the Congress that the platform is available.
  • Companies will have the possibility to engage with new participants and expand the reach of their symposium by bringing their experts for a live Q&A.
  • Includes IT support.
  • Time and date to be coordinated with the Congress Organizer.

* The main presentation will be pre-recorded and will include a scheduled live Q&A and chat with the speakers.

Opportunity to have an additional live Q&A session connected to your industry session, during the Congress days. Companies will have the possibility to engage with new participants in a different time zone and expand the reach of their symposium by bringing their experts for an additional live Q&A.

  • Includes IT support.
  • Time and date to be coordinated with the Congress Organizer.

Branding the virtual industry auditorium is a great way to promote your session and company.

  • Opportunity to brand the virtual industry auditorium with company’s logo.
  • Participants can click on the banner and be directed to an external page.

Branding the virtual waiting room before your session starts is a great opportunity to connect with attendees and create antecipation.

  • Opportunity to brand the virtual waiting room with company’s logo.
  • Opportunity to share a text or a video while attendees are waiting for your session to start.
  • Opportunity to brand the background slides of your session.
  • While the session is taking place, participants will be able to see your logo in the background.

Missing the face to face interaction? MultiHub is a service that connects groups of participants in different locations in a high-tech and dynamic way, allowing face to face interaction in a limited environment. With the MultiHub technology you can increase the number of participants and have more impact.

Connect and network by having the opportunity to:

  • Share viewing space
  • Have 1:1 meetings with hub and virtual attendees
  • Have live and direct contact with local participants


The MultiHub service will be customized to your needs, so don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss the possibilities. It can include:

  • IT technician onsite
  • All pre-event preparations ​
  • Set-up and testing of locations​
  • Equipment, including basic recording and editing
  • Acknowledgement as Multi Hub supporter within XX virtual platform/Congress Website.

There will be a Networking Lounge where attendees can interact and connect with each other, by group, 1×1 or video call.

  • Support will be recognized with the company logo at the entrance of the Networking Lounge.
  • 2 Public chat rooms included in the support package.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.
  • Opportunity to have a dedicated public chat room within the group chat area.
  • Participants can network in the group among themselves or with company representatives for that specific topic.

For ILS: Check with SAM and Society if this is possible.

The World Map is a unique atlas providing viewers with extra info/data on conference participants from around the globe. The map is an interactive experience for participants to connect based on their geographical origins, ideal for enhancing participant networking in the virtual environment.

  • Support will be recognized with World map signage within virtual Lobby including “Supported by…” and a company logo only.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.
  • Supporting company will have the opportunity to brand the flags or the blimp in the welcome page of the virtual Congress/Conference/ Meeting.
  • This page is the first page participants will see before each login to the platform, giving your company big exposure even before entering the virtual venue.
  • Supporting company will have their logo placed in once of the screens in the virtual lobby.
  • A great exposure, as participants can click on the logo and be directed to the company’s booth or a web page.
  • Possibility to upgrade your logo in the lobby to a pop-up video or advert. In this case, by clicking on the logo, a pop-up will show with your advert or video.
  • Supporting company will have the opportunity to add an advert in one of the screens in the lobby of the virtual Congress.
  • By clicking on the screen, a pop-up will show your advert.
  • Supporting company will have the opportunity to add a video in one of the screens in the lobby of the virtual Congress/Conference/Meeting.
  • By clicking on this video ad, a video streamer pop-up will show in the screen.
  • Sponsors will be offered a dedicated webpage including a 4 min video on the official Congress Website.
  • Opportunity for sponsors to connect with attendees before the Congress days and create antecipation with a pre-event promotional video/webpage hosted by Congress organizers.
  • Product advertising is not permitted.
  • Note: All pages are subject to review by the Congress Programme Commitee.

For ILS: Check with SAM/ Society if this can be done.

  • Your imagination is your limit in case you want to create a compelling and authentic connection with our delegates. Let’s talk about building something unique to your brand, product or business goals.
  • 30 minute interview organized in collaboration with onsite media team and broadcast in the virtual exhibition auditorium.

For ILS: Check with SAM/ Society if this can be done.

  • Opportunity to hire a virtual room that may be used to host and entertain guests throughout the Congress.
  • Technical support will/can be provided.

Games are a great way to capture attendees’ attention and make their experiences memorable.

  • Opportunity to have a virtual competition using the Congress platform.

For ILS: Waiting for Bingo feedback for more information. We can use the generic description above for now.

Opportunity to sponsor a virtual day in the Congress platform.

  • Logo of the supporting company will be placed throughout the platform and push notifications will be sent to all attendees with the message “This virtual day is being supported by…” and Company name.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.
  • Opportunity to sponsor the “Recap of the Day” video.
  • This is a great way to get exposure at the end of each day.
  • Logo of the supporting company will be placed in the video with the message “This video is being supported by…” and Company name.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

Host a VIP Pre- or Post-Event and connect with attendees in an exclusive gathering.

Opportunity to send printed programs via mail for the virtual event.

  • Support will be recognized with the company logo in the printed program.
  • 2 adverts included in the support package.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

The briefcase is the virtual Congress bag where atendees can save promotional and educational materials collected across the virtual congress.

  • Participants can email the documents to their personal accounts, and the support will be recognized by including “Supported by…” and a company logo only, in the body of the email.
  • Template of the email to be shared with the supporting company and to be approved by Congress Organizer.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

Just because attendees are at home or at work, it doesn’t mean that they won’t need a coffee break! Possibility to offer attendees a voucher for a ​coffee of their choice.

  • Opportunity to have your logo and a message for the attendees on the voucher.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section, on the event website and mobile application.

Send branded items to attendees and boost your brand on social media. Attendees will receive a branded item, such as a t-shirt or a baseball cap, in their home so they can wear them during the virtual networking or welcome event.

  • Opportunity to promote your brand and increase your exposure.
  • Opportunity to host competitions on social media where attendees can share pictures of themselves wearing your branded items.


  • Promotional material of the supporting company will be included in the virtual bag.
  • Attendees will be able to view and download it.
  • One “push notification” sent to all online participants through the virtual platform, to be coordinated with Congress Organizer.
  • Specifications will be provided by the congress organizers.
  • One “push notification” sent to all participants* onsite through the mobile app, to be coordinated with Congress Organizer. Specifications will be provided by the congress organizers.
  • The Congress App will be available for all participants who download the app.
  • *Only for those participants who have opted to receive such information.
  • Full inside page color advertisement in designated section of the E-Book.
  • The E-Book will contain the timetable, information about the scientific programme and other useful information.​ It will be available to all registered participants in the virtual platform.
  • Daily Congress E-news supporters are identified in the Congress newsletter with a linked banner advertisement at the footer.
  • Banner advertisement will serve as link to sponsor’s website
  • Note: Banners are subject to review by the Congress Program Committee.

For ILS: Check with SAM/ Society if this can be done. Only for non-medical events.

  • Banner-add in registration Confirmation Letter supporter is identified in the Congress confirmation letter with a linked banner advertisement at the footer.
  • Banner advertisement will serve as link to supporters website
  • Note: Banners are subject to review by the Congress Program Committee.

For ILS: Check with SAM/ Society if this can be done. Only for non-medical events.

  • The Virtual Exhibition will include four advertisements – Two as roll ups in front of the product theatre and another two in the back wall.
  • The advertisements can be linked to a pop-up video, document or a hyperlink of your choice.
  • Advert in the Official TV of the Congress.
  • The TV will be accessible from the Lobby for all registered participants.
  • Note: Adverts are subject to review by the Congress Program Committee.

For ILS: Check with SAM/ Society if this can be done. 

  • Gain additional exposure for your Industry Session or Virtual Booth by advertising it in a designated section of the Congress App.
  • The Congress App will be available for all participants who download the app.

​Gain additional exposure for your Symposium, company or exhibition booth by sending out a Mail Blast to the pre-registered delegates who have agreed to receive promotional material, at a date and time coordinated with the Congress Organizer.

  • Exclusive: Mail blast will be exclusive for the supporting company. The designed mail blast (html format with Kenes design requirements) and the preferred “Subject” to be provided by the Supporter and subject to receipt by 6 weeks prior to the Congress. ​”From” field will be Congress Acronym + Year.
  • Joint: Mail blast will be shared with other supporting companies. Supporting company should provide the content for the mail blast following Kenes design requirements. Design of mail blast will be done by Kenes/Organizer.

* In the case where the supporter cannot provide a compliant HTML file, they may provide an image and it will be coded to HTML for an additional charge of € 250.  Content received after the deadline may be processed for an additional fee of € 500.​

Industry Support Disclosure – will be added to all mailshots
This event is supported, in part, by funding from industry. All support is managed in strict accordance with CME/CPD accreditation criteria and standards for commercial support. Industry Sponsored Symposia are organized by industry and not included in the main event CME/CPD credit offering.

Please note Mailshots sent prior to the beginning of the virtual congress can not be linked to activities within the virtual platform as this one is not live/available yet. i.e Industry sessions/exhibition booths/product theatre sessions.

​Gain additional exposure for your repeat industry session by sending out a post-Congress Exclusive Mail Blast to registered delegates who have agreed to receive promotional material, at a date and time coordinated with the Congress Organizer.

  • Mail blast will be exclusive for the supporting company. The designed mail blast (html format with Kenes design requirements) and the preferred “Subject” to be provided by the Supporter. ​”From” field will be Congress Acronym + Year.

* In the case where the supporter cannot provide a compliant HTML file, they may provide an image and it will be coded to HTML for an additional charge of € 250.  Content received after the deadline may be processed for an additional fee of € 500.​

Industry Support Disclosure – will be added to all mailshots
This event is supported, in part, by funding from industry. All support is managed in strict accordance with CME/CPD accreditation criteria and standards for commercial support. Industry Sponsored Symposia are organized by industry and not included in the main event CME/CPD credit offering.

Contact us now

for pricing, bookings and customized packages.

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