Forum Discussions

Forum Discussions

These novel Fora, in WEF-style format, will bring together corporate participants, neuroscientists and clinicians with outstanding experience in “hottest” research topics in the field of neurodegeneration to discuss the impact of newest preclinical results and cutting edge clinical findings on understanding and treatment development of neurodegenerative disorders. The objective is to exchange novel insights, challenges and solutions on the joint path forward to defining the future of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s therapeutics.

Each forum will be a moderated discussion with maximum 3 minutes introduction statement from each participant followed by questions from the audience. The forum is also open for journalists from different media, including lay press in and may report on progress made by the leaders in this field.

Forum Title


Discussants* (partial list)


Anti-Tau Approaches In Clinical Trials

Luc Buee (France)
William Jagust (USA)

Mark Diamond (USA)
David Holtzman (USA)
Mike Hutton (USA)
Dominic Walsh (USA)
Wagner Zago (USA)

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Blood-Based Biomarkers Comparison To Fluid-Based Biomarkers, Imaging, And Assessment Of Diagnostic & Treatment Effects
Treatment effect: how to measure minimal clinical efficacy?

Oskar Hansson (Sweden)
Henrik Zetterberg (Sweden)

Tomislav Babic (Austria)
Sasha Bozeat(Switzerland)
Nick Fox (UK)
Klaus Gerwert (Germany)
Agneta Nordberg(Sweden)
Carrie Rubel (USA)

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Translational Drug Discovery In PD/ LBD Phase I-III- Recent Updates

Jamie Eberling (USA)
Walter Koroshetz (USA)

John Growdon (USA)
Jaime Kulisevsky (Spain)
Anthony Lang (USA)
Johannes Streffer (Switzerland)
Tamara Shiner (Israel)
Fabrizio Stocchi (Italy)

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Phase I-III In AD: More Than Two Targets?

Jeffrey Cummings (USA)
Manfred Windisch (Austria)

Ezio Giacobini (Switzerland)
Christian Haass (Germany)
Christopher Lane (UK)
Jaren Landen (USA)
Bengt Winblad (Sweden)

Friday, March 18, 2022

Amyloid-Removing Therapies: The Beginning Of The End Or The End Of The Beginning?

Al Sandrock (USA)
Philip Scheltens (The Netherlands)

Randall Bateman (USA)
Samantha Budd Haeberlein (USA)
Michael Irizarry (USA)
Gene Kinney (USA)
Mark Mintun (USA)
Gil Rabinovici (USA)

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Translational Drug Discovery: The Value Of Animal Models, Organoids, Digital, AI

Frank Laferla (USA)
Cynthia Lemere (USA)

Mark Albers (USA)
Matthew Blurton-Jones (USA)
Bruce Lamb (USA)
Rudy Tanzi (USA)
Christina Marasco (USA)
Sam Sisodia (USA)


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Covid-19 And The Brain

Gabriel Gold (Switzerland)
Michael Heneka (Germany)

Johannes Attems (UK)
Natasa Dragicevic (USA)
James Galvin (USA)
Eliezer Masliah (USA)
Michael Schöll (Sweden)

Sunday, March 20, 2022

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