Abstract Topics

Click the Theme names below to expand a full list of available topics.

Theme A: β-Amyloid Diseases

A1.a. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Abeta aggregation, protein misfolding
A1.b. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Cell to cell transmission, spreading of pathology, prion-like
A1.c. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Inflammation
A1.d. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Synaptic plastcity & synapse pathology
A1.e. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Cellular signalling, kinases, phosphatases, calcium
A1.f. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Lysosomes, ubiquitin, proteasome, ER stress, chaperones
A1.g. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative damage
A1.h. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Lipids, lipoproteins and membrane trafficking
A1.i. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Microglia
A1.j. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Astroglia
A1.k. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Neurogenesis
A1.l. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Vasculature, microbleeds, hypertension, angiogenesis
A1.m. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Blood-brain barrier
A1.n. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Metabolism, insulin
A1.o. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Neural networks, plasticity
A1.p. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Transcriptional & translational regulation, micro RNAs
A1.q. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Autophagy, apoptosis, cell death
A1.r. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Aging
A1.s. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Microbiome
A1.t. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Other
A2.a. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Abeta, truncated & pGlu-Abeta
A2.b. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Immunotherapy
A2.c. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Secretases, proteases
A2.d. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Kinases, other enzymes
A2.e. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Neurotransmitters & receptor-based
A2.f. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: ApoE & lipoprotein-based
A2.g. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Anti-inflammatory
A2.h. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Anti-oxidants
A2.i. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Neurotrophic, synaptic plasticity, repair, regenerative medicine
A2.j. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Protein aggregation, misfolding, chaperones
A2.k. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: TREM2
A2.l. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: CD33
A2.m. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Microglia
A2.n. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Astroglia
A2.o. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Gene therapy and gene editing
A2.p. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: ASO and RNAi
A2.q. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: neurogenesis and iPSC and brain organoids
A2.r. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Other
A3.a. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Immunotherapy
A3.b. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Immunomodulators
A3.c. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Amyloid clearance
A3.d. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Secretase inhibitors & modulators
A3.e. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Aggregation inhibitors
A3.f. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Neuroprotective & mitochondrial compounds
A3.g. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Neurotransmitter-based modulators
A3.h. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Receptor ligands
A3.i. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Mitochondrial drugs
A3.j. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Cell-based therapies
A3.k. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Transcranial magnetic stimulation
A3.l. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Medicinal chemistry approaches, drug repurposing
A3.m. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Personalized medicines
A3.n. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Regulatory aspects
A3.o. Drug Development, Clinical Trials:New clinical trial designs; Simulation of progress-digital twins
A3.p. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Non-pharmacological interventions
A3.q. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Other
A4.a. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Structural MRI, MR spectroscopy
A4.b. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Functional MRI
A4.c. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: PET – amyloid
A4.d. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: PET – glucose
A4.e. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: PET – other
A4.f. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: SPECT
A4.g. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Multimodal imaging
A4.h. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: CSF, blood, body fluid biomarkers
A4.i. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: EEG, brain mapping, MEG
A4.j. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Cognitive, psychometric & behavioral tests, Digital endpoints, remote testing
A4.k. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Other
A5.a. Genetics, Epidemiology: Whole genome sequencing
A5.b. Genetics, Epidemiology: Disease-causing mutations
A5.c. Genetics, Epidemiology: GWAS, genetic associations, susceptibility & protective genes
A5.e. Genetics, Epidemiology: Aging
A5.f. Genetics, Epidemiology: Environmental risk factors
A5.g. Genetics, Epidemiology: Metabolic and cardiovascular
A5.h. Genetics, Epidemiology: Infectious and inflammation
A5.i. Genetics, Epidemiology: Other
A6.a. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: APP, APLP, Abeta
A6.b. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: ApoE
A6.c. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Secretases
A6.d. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Growth factors, synaptic plasticity
A6.e. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: GCPR, nicotinic, sigma-1 & other receptors
A6.f. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Network biology, connectome, protein-protein interations
A6.g. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Metabolomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, proteomics
A6.h. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Epigenetics, histone modification, DNA methylation
A6.i. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Other
A7.a. Animal Models: Transgenic rodents
A7.b. Animal Models: Primates, naturally occuring models and brain organoids
A7.c. Animal Models: Non-mamalian models
A7.d. Animal Models: Optogenetics
A7.e. Animal Models: Other
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Theme B: Taupathies

B1.a. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Tau aggregation, phophorylation, acetylation & modifications
B1.b. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Cell to cell transmission, spreading of pathology, prion-like
B1.c. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Inflammation
B1.d. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Synapse pathology
B1.e. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Cellular signalling, kinases, phosphatases, calcium
B1.f. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Lysosomes, ubiquitin, proteasome, ER stress
B1.g. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative damage
B1.h. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Lipids, lipoproteins and membrane trafficking
B1.i. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Microglia
B1.j. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Astroglia
B1.k. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Neurogenesis
B1.l. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Vasculature, angiogenesis
B1.m. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Blood-brain barrier
B1.n. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Metabolism, insulin
B1.o. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Neural networks & plasticity
B1.p. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology:  transcriptional & translational regulation, micro RNAs
B1.q. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Autophagy,  apoptosis, cell death
B1.r. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Protein misfolding, chaperones
B1.s. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Aging
B1.t. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Microbiome
B1.u. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Other
B2.a. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Tau, phosphorylation, truncation
B2.b. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Immunotherapy
B2.c. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Kinases, phosphatases, other enzymes
B2.d. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Neurotransmitters & receptor-based
B2.e. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Anti-inflammatory
B2.f. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Anti-oxidants
B2.g. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Neurotrophic, synaptic plasticity, repair
B2.h. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Protein aggregation, NFT, misfolding, chaperones
B2.i. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Gene and RNAi therapy
B2.j. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Microglia
b2.k. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Astroglia
B2.l. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Adult neurogenesis
B2.m. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Other
B3.a. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Immunotherapy
B3.b. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Immunomodulators
B3.c. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: tau clearance
B3.d. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Kinase inhibitors & phosphatase modulators
B3.e. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Aggregation inhibitors
B3.f. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Neuroprotective & mitochondrial compounds
B3.g. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Neurotransmitter-based modulators
B3.h. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Mitochondrial drugs
B3.i. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Cell-based therapies
B3.j. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Transcranial magnetic stimulation
B3.k. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Personalized medicines
B3.l. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Regulatory aspects
B3.m. Drug Development, Clinical Trials:New clinical trial designs; Simulation of progress-digital twins
B3.n. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Medicinal chemistry approaches, drug repurposing
B3.o. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Non-pharmacological interventions
B3.q. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Other
B4.a. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Structural MRI, MR spectroscopy
B4.b. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Functional MRI
B4.c. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: PET – tau
B4.d. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: PET – glucose
B4.e. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: PET – other
B4.f. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: SPECT
B4.g. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Multimodal imaging
B4.h. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: CSF, blood, body fluid biomarkers
B4.i. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: EEG, brain mapping, MEG
B4.j. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Cognitive, psychometric & behavioral tests, Digital endpoints, remote testing
B4.k. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Other
B5.a. Genetics, Epidemiology: Whole genome sequencing
B5.b. Genetics, Epidemiology: Disease-causing mutations
B5.c. Genetics, Epidemiology: GWAS, genetic associations, susceptibility & protective genes
B5.d. Genetics, Epidemiology: Aging
B5.e. Genetics, Epidemiology: Environmental risk factors
B5.f. Genetics, Epidemiology: Metabolic, cardiovascular, inflammation
B5.g. Genetics, Epidemiology: Other
B6.a. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Tau, tau isoforms
B6.b. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Kinases, phosphatases
B6.c. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Posttranslational modifications
B6.d. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Growth factors, synaptic plasticity
B6.e. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: GCPR, nicotinic, sigma-1, other receptors
B6.f. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Network biology, connectome, protein-protein interations
B6.g. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Metabolomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, proteomics
B6.h. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Epigenetics, histone modification, DNA methylation
B4.k. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Other
B7.a. Animal Models: Transgenic rodents
B7.b. Animal Models: Primates, naturally occuring models and brain organoids
B7.c. Animal Models: Non-mamalian models
B7.d. Animal Models: Optogenetics
B7.3. Animal Models: Other
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Theme C: α-Synucleinopathies

C1.a. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Α-synuclein aggregation
C1.b. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: LRKK2, parkin, PINK1, DJ-1
C1.c. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Cell to cell transmission, spreading of pathology, prion-like
C1.d. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Autophagy, lysosomes, ubiquitin, proteasome
C1.e. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Lipids, lipoproteins and membrane trafficking
C1.f. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Inflammation
C1.g. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Microglia
C1.h. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Astroglia
C1.i. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Cellular signalling, kinases, phosphatases, calcium
C1.i. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative damage
C1.j. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Vasculature, angiogenesis, blood-brain barrier
C1.k. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Synapse pathology, neural networks, plasticity, neurogenesis
C1.l. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Transcriptional & translational regulation, micro RNAs
C1.m. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: apoptosis, cell death
C1.n. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Protein aggregation, misfolding, chaperones
C1.o. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Metal ions
C1.p. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Modeling of disease progression
C1.q. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology: Other
C2.a. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Α-synuclein
C2.b. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Immunotherapy
C2.c. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Kinases, other enzymes
C2.d. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Dopamine, neurotransmitters
C2.e. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Cell transplantation
C2.f. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Deep brain stimulation
C2.g. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant
C2.h. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Microglia
C2.i. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment:Astroglia
C2.j. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Protein aggregation, misfolding, chaperones
C2.k. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Gene therapy and gene editing
C2.l. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: ASO and RNAi
C2.m. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: neurogenesis and iPSC
C2.n. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment: Other
C3.a. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Immunotherapy
C3.b. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Vitamins, antioxidants, neuroprotective compounds
C3.c. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Neurotransmitter- and receptor based modulators
C3.d. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Deep brain stimulation
C3.e. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Aggregation inhibitors
C3.f. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Enzyme modulators
C3.g. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Medicinal chemistry approaches, drug repurposing
C3.h. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Drug delivery systems
C3.i. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Non-pharmacological interventions, neurosurgery
C3.j. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Microbiome
C3.k. Drug Development, Clinical Trials: Other
C4.a. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Structural MRI, MR spectroscopy
C4.b. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Functional MRI
C4.c. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: PET
C4.d. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: SPECT
C4.e. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Multimodal imaging
C4.f. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: CSF, blood, body fluid biomarkers
C4.g. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: EEG, brain mapping, MEG
C4.h. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Cognitive, psychometric, behavioral and motor tests
C4.i. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Microbiome
C4.j. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Other
C5.a. Genetics, Epidemiology: Whole genome sequencing
C5.b. Genetics, Epidemiology: Disease-causing mutations
C5.c. Genetics, Epidemiology: GWAS, genetic associations, susceptibility & protective genes
C5.d. Genetics, Epidemiology: Aging
C5.e. Genetics, Epidemiology: Environmental risk factors
C5.f. Genetics, Epidemiology: Inflammation
C5.g. Genetics, Epidemiology: Other
C6.a. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Α-synuclein
C6.b. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: LRKK2, parkin, PINK1, DJ-1 and other PD realted genes
C6.c. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Growth factors, synaptic plasticity
C6.d. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: GCPR, dopamine & other receptors
C6.e. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Network biology, connectome, protein-protein interations
C6.f. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Metabolomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, proteomics
C6.g. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Epigenetics, histone modification, DNA methylation
C6.h. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology: Other
C7.a. Animal Models: Transgenic rodents
C7.b. Animal Models: Primates, naturally occuring models and brain organoids
C7.c. Animal Models: Non-mamalian models
C7.d. Animal Models: Optogenetics
C7.e. Animal Models: Other
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Theme D: TDP43- and C9orf72-Related Diseases

D1. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology
D2. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment
D3. Drug Development, Clinical Trials
D4. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics
D5. Genetics, Epidemiology
D6. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology
D7. Animal Models
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Theme E : Vascular Diseases

E1. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology
E2. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment
E3. Drug Development, Clinical Trials
E4. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics
E5. Genetics, Epidemiology
E6. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology
E7. Animal Models
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Theme F: Prion Diseases

F1. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology
F2. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment
F3. Drug Development, Clinical Trials
F4. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics
F5. Genetics, Epidemiology
F6. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology
F7. Animal Models
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Theme G: Huntington's and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases

G1. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology
G2. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment
G3. Drug Development, Clinical Trials
G4. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics
G5. Genetics, Epidemiology
G6. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology
G7. Animal Models
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Theme H: Demyelinating Diseases

H1. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology
H2. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment
H3. Drug Development, Clinical Trials
H4. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics
H5. Genetics, Epidemiology
H6. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology
H7. Animal Models
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Theme I: Lysosomal Storage Diseases

I1. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology
I2. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment
I3. Drug Development, Clinical Trials
I4. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics
I5. Genetics, Epidemiology
I6. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology
I7. Animal Models and brain organoids
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Theme J: Psychiatric Symptoms in Neurodegenerative Diseases

J1. Disease Mechanisms, Pathophysiology
J2. Therapeutic Targets, Mechanisms for Treatment
J3. Drug Development, Clinical Trials
J4. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics
J5. Genetics, Epidemiology
J6. Cell, Molecular and Systems Biology
J7. Animal Models
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Theme K: Patient Care and Support

K1.a. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Caregiver support
K1.b. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Mobile applications, social networks
K1.c. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Cognitive training
K1.d. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Exercise
K1.e. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Support devices & monitoring
K1.f. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Quality of life
K1.g. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Functional foods
K1.h. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Behavioral & psychiatric symptoms
K1.i. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Fall prevention & patient protection
K1.j. Dementia and Cognitive Dyfunction: Other
K2.a. Movement Disorders: Caregiver support
K2.b. Movement Disorders: Mobile applications, social networks
K2.c. Movement Disorders: Motor coordination & exercise
K2.d. Movement Disorders: Support devices & monitoring
K2.e. Movement Disorders: Functional foods
K2.f. Movement Disorders: Quality of life
K2.g. Movement Disorders: Fall prevention & patient protection
K2.g. Movement Disorders: Behavioral & psychiatric symptoms
K2.h. Movement Disorders: Other
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Theme L: COVID-19: Impact on Brain Neurodegenerative Diseases

L1a. Neuropathology of Covid-19
L1b.Neuroimaging of Covid-19
L1c.Neurological manifestations of Covid-19
L1d.Comorbidity of neurodegeneration with Covid-19
L1e.Impact of Covid-19 on clinical trials
L1f.CNS invasion of SARS-CoV2
L1g.Epidemiology of Covid-19 in patients with neurodegenerative diseases
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